Face the Raven

Always expect the unexpected. And be brave enough to face the raven. If anything, that is what Doctor Who has taught me. This design is my tribute to Clara Oswald. The one who faced the raven. Clara Oswald was not necessarily my favorite Dr. Who companion (comes probably from the fact “Hey, I’d like to travel with the Doctor through space and time as well”). But her disappearance did affect me, it has left an emptiness, an uncertainty, a hole that it would be difficult to fill. I thought she was brave (a bit reckless sometimes, but hey, aren’t we all). And she did take care of the Doctor. Goodbye, Clara. I will definitely miss you.
If you like the design and would like to get it in print or on mugs, hoodies, pillows (even shower curtains), check out my shops at Society6 and RedBubble! Hope you like it 🙂